Friday, August 14, 2015

Vaasi Yogam /Vasi Yoga -8

Vaasi Yogam /Vasi Yoga -8
தியானஞ்செய் யென்றீரே சற்குருவே ஐயா
தேறாம வலையுதையா மயக்கமாகி
தியானந்தா னேதேதோ யென்றுயெண்ணி
திடங்கொண்டு நிற்கவில்லை யறியாவண்ணம்
தியானந்தான் சொல்லக்கேள் மாணாக்கனே
செவியிலுப தேசம் வைத்த குருவையுள்ளி
தியானந்தன் சுழிமுனையில் வாசி முட்டிப்பாரு
சித்திக்கு முபதேசம் பக்கந்தானே

தானென்ற யோகத்துக் குறுதியென்ன
தன்மையுள்ள வாசியென்ற மூலமூலங்
கோனென்ற குருவருளால் வாசி மூலக்
குறிப்பறிந்து கொள்ளுவது மென்னவென்றால்
நானென்ற வாணவத்தை நலமாய்த் தள்ளி
நடுவான பூரணத்தைப் பற்றிக் கொண்டு
மானென்ற பிரணவத்துள் மனதைவைத்து
மகத்தான கேசரியைத் தொழுது நில்லே

வந்ததுவும் போனதுவும் வாசி யாகும்
வானில்வரும் ரவிமதியும் வாசி யாகும்
சிந்தை தெளிந் திருப்பவனா ரவனே சித்தன்
செகமெலாஞ் சிவமேன்றே யறிந்தோன் சித்தன்
நந்தியென்று வாகனமே துால தேகம்
நான்முகனே கண்மூக்குச் செவிநாக் காகும்
நந்திமுகன் சிவசத்தி திருமூச் சாகும்
தந்தைதாய் ரவிமதியென் றறிந்து கொள்ளே

நடுவனை தனிலேறி சிவசிவ
நாடிய குண்டலி வட்டத்துள்ளே
அடிநடு முடியறிந்து சுடரதில்
அனுதினம் வாசிகொண் டமிர்தமுண்டு
படியறிந் திசைநாதம் சிவசிவ
பத்துமொரு மித்துவரு பழக்கமதால்
வடிவுள்ள ஜெகஜோதி கமலமலர்
வந்துபணிந்தவ னான்காணும்

தெளிந்திடும் சக்கரம் மூலத்தின் உள்ளே
அளிந்த அகாரத்தை அந்நடு ஆக்கி
குளிர்ந்த அரவினைக் கூடிஉள் வைத்து
நளிந்தவை அங்குஎழு நாடிய காலே
சிவசிவ என்கிலர் தீவினை யாளர்
சிவசிவ என்றிடத் தீவினை மாளும்
சிவசிவ என்றிடத் தேவரு மாவர்
சிவசிவ என்னச் சிவகதி தானே

பாருனக்கு உரைப்பதற்கு புத்திகேளு
பரமகுண முடையவனே பாலிப்பார்பாண்
மேருனக்குச் சிரமீதி லிட்ட வாராய்
மதிசயநயபய வயமென்றெ நிற்கவேணும்
துாருனக்குப் பயன்பூரு மைந்தைக் கூட்டி
துாக்கிடு கபாலமண்ட கோளத்துள்ளே
வாசியென்ற சுவாச பந்தனமே செய்து
வாய்பிசகா திருத்தாக்கால் வாய்க்குமென்றே

எத்தனை காலமுந்தான்
யோக மிருந்தாலென்
முத்தனு மாவாயோ
மோட்சமு முண்டாமோ
வாசியி லேறியடி
வான்பொருள் தேடா யோ
வாசியி லேறினாலும்
வாராது சொன்னேனே
அகப்பேய் சித்தர்

உச்சிக்கு மேற்சென் றுயர்வெளி கண்டோர்க்கு
இச்சிப்பிங் கேதுக்கடி குதம்பாய்
இச்சிப்பிங் கேதுக்கடி
குதம்பைச் சித்தர்

கண்ணுக்கு மூக்கடியோ காதோர மத்திமத்தில்
உண்ணாக்கு மேலேறி உன்புதுமை மெத்தவுண்டு
உச்சிக்குக் கீழடியோ ஊசிமுனை வாசலுக்குள்
மச்சுக்கு மேலேறி வானுதிரந் தானெடுததுக்
அழுகனிச் சித்தர்

செலுத்துவதும் உண்ணாக்கில் அண்ணாக்கையா
சென்றேறிப் பிடரிவழித் தியானந் தோன்றும்
பலித்ததடா யோக சித்தி ஞான சித்தி
பருவமாய் நாடிவைத்துப் பழக்கம் பண்ணே

அடைவாஞ் சக்கரத்தில் திரிவாசி சூட்டிக்
கூடச் சிந்தாமணிக்கு பீசமாச்சு
குணமான சக்கரத்திற் பதித்துப்போடு
நாடியே போகருட கடாட்சத்தாலே
நலமான புலிப்பாணி பாடினானே
புலிப்பாணிச் சித்தர்

The continuity of the previous post on the vaasi yoga, the verses on Mahayogi theraiyar describes on how to learn the vaasi yoga from masters instead of searching and practicing meditations without any results. Mahayogi Nandesar explained about the vaasi yoga on practices of holding the prana to attain the lord. Mahayogi Valmiki describes on the inhale and exhale of breath with explanation on vaasi yoga. Also describes about details of construction in lord Shiva in temple, Nandhi and Ganesha, Subramaniyar with respect to vaasi yoga for understanding the succession in nature and the internal body. All Mahayogis are described on the practices of vaasi yoga and the procedures in above verses exposes the originality on the hidden yogic practices to attain the god.
The description of the procedures mostly discloses on where the energy as vaasi taken from the internal body through the centre nerve of the humans confined to the tiny hole of a needle which is placed between eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. The rising of vaasi in the internal body as we can observe when it’s started the reciprocation of internal vaasi trips. The breath of the holy squeeze starts to swerve at one point and directly pierce in to the gate of the temple where Nandhi in the throat has blocked here. If the practices of vaasi yoga carried out strictly and regularly for prolonged years, sincerely the eyes will be opened and attain the universe where it has been kept as tapping point, hidden as internally; to unlock the door to reach the Samadhi called as universe. The above compilation of vaasi yoga by yogis in Tamil has been published in a book which was compiled from various books and I have taken some of the verses to understand the specialization of vaasi yoga from siddhars/Maha yogis.
The master should have thorough knowledge where they encountered in to the arts. If the continuity has been taken from the source, the changes built by them should not rearrange or rebuilt the original practices of vaasi yoga.
The vaasi yoga takes a yogi to attain the surface layer of universe initially and deposit in to end of the universe and shifted to swim down to the other end, where its starts and can able to understand where we located and stand on that.  The atoms are so small, its evasion, we can understand when the approach of the layer is confined. That’s why all yogis say keep quiet, somebody standing here, someone hearing our conversations. They can able to make others to make a call to you or disconnect the raising of thoughts. This is the connection of the universal layer where the person should get response on his position when he activates from other end of the world. Why the brain has connected with highly sensorial system of receiver, emerger and creator? The ability to alter or shut down the brain comments as presence is controlled entirely by the soul and mind which operates from the universe.
It’s a soul, soul is working on the surface layer of the universe, it penetrates to, and it takes all the files from the data disk to the server which connects externally to the universe and dump in to the squares where the place kept for the individuals.. Brain which command to certain extent, like mobile to mobile can pass with the tower of a cell phone. In between, the mobile to mobile as brain and soul to universal layer as creator,  the master, we can assume as administrator one of them, accordingly with the eligibility of the great masters where they don’t allow us to penetrate in to universal tapping point. The yogi as disciples himself or herself found the location where master used to connect. One fine day he/she observed the master server located in the physical body, the shadow of the universal server, the continue connection in between appears as partially dissolves and reappear in front of them internally. Then disciple starts to receive the signals from the universe and connected to all yogis where he stands.
Some years back, I went with my friend to auction in bank for a flat bid. On a auction day with lot of expectations friend came even I know it gets materialized due to consultation of my guru. In addition to that, behind bank people became close to my friend after frequently conversed with them. But the auction day, a dentist came with his father who is not in our program and they started raising the amount which was unexpected. Every time My friend went to another room and made call to uncle who was deciding authority. But here the dentist says at any cost they want to challenge the auction to buy the entire three flats. The proposals have been raised suddenly and reached the amount which was equal to the same constructed flat. The old building is not worth as it is for that amount which was raised. That time they gave some time for discussion, I called the person who was well wisher of me and one of my guru. He said give me five minute and also said you can achieve the target which was not entertained by those people came for proposal. It’s happened suddenly there after five minutes, the whole atmosphere was broken by him and shuffles it through the connection of the universe and makes the layer as situations around us and change to us what I asked to do the favour which I requested earlier. It’s a way of approach to the layer of universe where we came out from the bubble ball during the meditations and tried to touch at the end of the meditations. This is the one of the way to request to the universal for any person, by any person whom they are really mastered and achieved.
We took the final bid and registered to my friend. After the bid, the dentist says to me suddenly and exactly apposite to their view what they said me in the beginning of auction. This is the arrangement of destiny which is running on the particular period and time which is shifted to prior to the cube of whole fixed to my friend or shifted to future cube whatever be vacant at time. At any stage the period and time replace the original slot which it was altered on that day to receive the favour shuffled the natural action by us artificially. So it should always remember that the arrangements and shifting made on that time will be suddenly changed and rearranged towards friend or me and tried to replace where we did the replacement. This is called destiny rearrangement. People in the villages used to say that “see one day, we meet again and avenge will be done and earth is rotating’. It’s an accent of vocabulary during the conversation on the destiny.
Some of the yogis after their dedicated meditation of twelve years can able to reach the universal complex within a second and observe what we have done and what we wants to do when asked for favour. Some people with dedication can understand a day in future how they can connect in the universe internally day by day practices. Once it reaches it connects and displays the visuals where they stand and take back the structure of present birth. The vaasi yogis most of them are well connected with the universe and able to tap at any time any period and at any level of length, here as the distance. As same as the masters carried out situations on the ground to receive the favour for us, as a like my friend hardly need a flat for future life. I know it will be materialized and favour to us. But, in between the intercalations of the incidents has happened. Because, the formed layer on the squares of the whole universal frame of the individual has intrusions due to wavering mind of friend on that particular day. I bring to an end here. Otherwise people track to observe how the tapping point of the layer will be connected internally and will be misguided, where unaware they should stand, it is to be avoided here.
Some months after, my friend called me from the office and asked me to find out the spectacle which was lost somewhere else and asked me to find out the place. This is the output of the favour if you form the situations in the destiny. This is the clarity of the individuals when it get materialized and misuse the nature for simple material consciousness. As same as we were unable to realize where we are and we have lost the chances which was raised for us to attain the huge benefits. As same as a friend, had kidney problems and examined all analysis results. It’s also be deviated by the request and prayer to guru. It’s happened depends upon the obligations of the individuals. I skip here this topic to future.
The vaasi yogis have different techniques to attain the Samadhi, but the procedure is the one to attain the Samadhi, the end stage of meditation. Unknowingly people practice number of yoga courses has been started at the end of streets. They did not really aware what is Banthanam and Kumbakam which is away from the normal procedures. The normal breath structures will be easily swerves without any sound and it takes you slowly, gradually to the end point of the beginning centre. The kumbakam takes itself routinely depends upon the practice of meditator. Here always masters used to come for the disciples and qualify the students accordingly. Then we come to know where we are lacking behind on these practices. Verses of vaasi yoga have taken here to describe the importance and to understand the original fundamental structures which was formulated and practiced by mahayogis. Why we deviated from the main stream to secondary channels and branches to another end of the yoga practices and makes us stand in highly confused stages and routinely, regularly ask thick questions on highly supreme yogic practices which was constructed and followed by Mahayogis for thousands of years.

1 comment:

Vethathiri Maharishi - Anuradha Selvakumar said...

வாழ்க வளமுடன்🙂🙏