Thursday, September 20, 2018


தமிழ்நாட்டில் திருவள்ளுவர் திருத்தணி வெளிப்புற சாலையில்  ஜெயராம சுவாமிகளின் சமாதி  அமைந்துள்ளது.  யோக சித்தியின் வெளிப்பாட்டை உணர்த்த வேண்டி அமையப் பெற்ற ஒரு நிகழ்வை பற்றிய சிறு பதிவிது.  
ஜெயராம சுவாமிகளின் குரு அனுமந்ந சுவாமிகள்.  சமாதி  சாலையில் ஒருபுறம் இருக்க மறுபுறம்  ஜெயராம சுவாமிகளின் சமாதி அமைந்திருக்கிறது. ஜெயராம சுவாமிகள் 1917-ஆம் ஆண்டு சமாதியனாா். குரு அனுமந்த சுவாமிகளே தன் சீடர் ஜெயராம சுவாமிற்கு சமாதி வைபவம் நடத்திவைத்தாா்.  குருவின் கைகளால் சமாதி வைக்க பெற்ற பாக்கியத்தை சீடர்  பெற்றாா் . 
கடந்ந 15.08.2012- ஆம் ஆண்டு  நெடுஞ்சாலைத்துறை(National High way) சாலையை விரிவுப்படுத்துவதற்காக(JCP) கொண்டு ஜெயராம சுவாமிகளின் சமாதி அமைய பெற்றிருந்த இடத்தை அகற்ற வேண்டிய சூழ்நிலை வந்தது.  சமாதி பற்றிய விவரம் அறிந்த பெரியோர்கள் மற்றும் அதை வழிப்பட்டு வந்த பொதுமக்கள் சிலரும் காலை10மணி முதல் மாலை வரை, பொறுமையாக  சுவாமிகளின் தேகத்தை (உடல்)தேடினா். இறுதியாக சுவாமிகளின் தேகம் கண்டுபிடிக்கப்பட்டது.  சமாதி வைக்கப்பட்ட போது அவர் தேகம் எப்படியிருந்ததோ அதே நிலையிலேயே அவரை யோகமர்ந்த நிலையில் கண்டெடுத்தார்கள். அதிகாரிகள், ஊா் மக்கள் அனைவர் முன்னிலையில் சுவாமி தேகத்தை வெளியே கொண்டு வந்தார்கள் .  1917 ஆம்  ஆண்டு வைக்கப்பட்ட இந்த சமாதி  சுமாா் 95 ஆண்டுகள் ஆகியும் சுவாமிகளின் தேகம்  யோக நிலையில் பத்மாசன போட்டப்படியே எந்த மாற்றமில்லாமல்  இருந்திருக்கிறது. இந்த அதிசயத்தைக்கண்டு  ஊா் மக்கள் அனைவரும் ஆச்சரியத்தில் ஆழ்ந்தனர்.  பின்னர் அவர் தேகத்தை   வெளியே கொண்டு வந்து ஊா்வலமாக எடுத்து சென்று, புதியதாக சமாதி வைபகம் வைப்பது போல் எல்லாவிதமான சடங்குகளை செய்யப் பெற்று எதிா்புறம் அமைந்துள்ள அவர்  குரு அனுமந்த சுவாமிகளின் சமாதி சன்னதி அருகே இரவு 10: மணி அளவில் சமாதி வைக்கப்பட்டது.  அன்று வெயில் தாக்கம் அதிகமாக இருந்துள்ளது.   சுவாமிகள் சமாதியில் இருந்து வெளிய வந்தவுடன் சுமாா் இரண்டு கி.மீ பரப்பளவு  வரை மழை பெய்திருக்கிறது. ஆதாரபூா்மான இந்நிகழ்ச்சியை  ஊா் மக்கள் கண்டனர்.
 இப்பதிவு யோகத்தின் உச்சநிலை பற்றியும், மகான்கள் அடைந்த தரிசனத்தை யாவரும் அறிந்து கொள்ள வேண்டியும், அதன் உண்மை நிலைகளை உணர வேண்டி இங்கே பதிவிட்டது, சரியான யோக பயிற்சியை தேர்ந்தெடுத்து , தமிழ் நாட்டில் பல்லாயிர வருடம் பின்பற்றி வருகின்ற இத்தகைய எளிய முறை யோகப்பியாசமே சிறந்தது என்பதை அறிந்து , அதை பின்பற்றி மேன்மையடைவீர்களாக. புகைப்படம் கிடைக்கவில்லை.  வந்தவுடன் இதனுடன் இணைக்கிறேன்.  திருவள்ளூா்−திருத்தணி (பை பாஸ்) சாலையில் ஆற்காடுகுப்பம் என்ற ஊரில் மெயின் ரோட்டில் இந்த ஆசிரமம் அமைந்துள்ளது.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Delivery of Predictions

Delivery of Predictions
How to correlate the way of delivery, the predictions and in what way it will be delivered through divine people. Is it any type of signal is represented? from where its tapped or trapped, in what way is it said, what is its essence? In what way the root of the universe and its interlaced roots and the life of humans are attached. The roots have been hidden. Roots and branches are not different from another and it’s not being hidden. As the world of its attributes continues to follow, our minds seem to be able to analyze it, separate out by analyzing the path through comparisons as if it is in the mind to reciprocate the adjacent and the flap. Unrelatedly of the tiredness of the rotation, it is not enough to be thirsty, distracted, stored, and travelled through it.
Yoga is not just a place to go around what we really thought in a simple way. We have a kind of uneven connection called the karma, like the burden of dirt, faintness, dizziness, and burden on the donkey while climbing up with any distraction.  When it comes naturally, it is the same as it is, and it is made possible to understand this kind of realization. When my grandfather was in Chennai, "In the conversation, he said, "An unidentified image goes through the water tube to the second floor and everyone said that it would be a thief ... There were six houses below that house and six of the above totals was twelve in the building. A water tank was fitted with the motors. The water pipe made of iron that goes with the water is very slim, it's not too heavy to climb, if any climber, it's broken up. On another occasion and I saw a carious figure passing over the pipe when we're playing in the same area. Some people say it will be the ghost. I can identify it and scared of it. if we respond it may attack you, I thought. Another time, I saw a woman dressed in a white sari sitting along the stairway to the building terrace, it was coming down and climbing to the often in the eye. It turned to me. The face is not remembered to me, but its way of action, how it’s going here and there with white sari I still remember. After I saw many movies with this white sari ghosts. Due to this sudden gesture, the brain was inactive, it cannot be alive. Whatever may be the deity, the god, the deities, and many times think over it. Besides the building the next location of Solaiamman temple. After many years, I thought some taken over the goddess by their influence of magic elements and control it.
These deities, divine souls wandering as an invisible form and they wander up and stay below the bottom of the water tank. Being able to change the way you can hear their sound in the air, the breather crossed them and squeeze over us. Sometimes it Pushes the object, the wind pushed? Or does it work? The difference between the devils and the gods will appear easily and understood. A disciple of a great guru once said that he chanted the mantra of goddess Varagi and the goddess appears in front of him as the cluster of bubbles. He was not able to describe. He said its cluster of soap bubbles and taken the image of the god. And it started appearing whenever he chants the mantra. The same he has given to me. As same as many skilled people in these mantra chants and rituals given to me in a small paper. Don’t know. Kept somewhere else long back. Some of the tribal communities had these types of god with animal faces in their hereditary. They send the god or they may take their image and roam around in villages to complete the work or karma whatever it will be decided.
My mother's descendants have been worshipped as a goddess in our village which is located about five kilometres to the east of Kadayanallur town, Tamilnadu. I have met an old person who looks after this small temple for many decades and gives the Prasada after conducting the rituals. My mother used to give the small amount for purchase of oil to light the lamp in that temple. Once a year, they do pooja for that temple.  On that particular day the priest, the old man started saying where the god is coming from the source. The god travelling by the white horse coming from some parts of ambasamudaram place in Tirunelveli district and how it's flying down. It travels through many villages. The priest says, its flying above the place and narrating the incidents happening around and how it crossed the towns. When It reaches near the next village. He tampered. “Now it reaching our village it is coming in our road, its reaches temple. Then we can hear the sound of horses in front of the temple. Some light is walking to the temple which is facing east surrounded by trees. Light goes inside the temple and priest also goes behind it by closing the eyes. He continues saying what the goddess is doing there. Then the god comes out from the temple, and crossed the two feet gate and climbed on horses. When it’s ready to take off, the Horses releases the urine and stools in front of the temple and started flying up from the temple. It continues still, now the old man is not alive. The stool, they make it dried, burned and make it ashes and will be issued to the family members and villages throughout the year. Inside the 4x4 feet temple, we can see a stick, ashes, water in the bronze jug and bronze mug.  There was difficulty in worshipping the goddess because there was no internal way now to reach them. The priest, the old man appears sitting on the footsteps in front of the temple below the shadows of amla tree. the white horse again flew to the goddess.
When the priest, the old man tried to give him the blessing for the descendants, but his grandsons, their hereditary who is eligible to learn the art or handed over, taken over occasions will not have occurred. He was working in the army residing in around Kashmir. The priest, old man photo was captured by my father once he been to. But after his demise, some of the villagers taken his photo from our family album. Sometimes when you see perpendicular or diagonal view, the images, the dark deities will be seen. Let us be amazed by the way we see the wide-open space in the light from the thin light of the universe which comes intermittently.

Many decades, along with the eastern part of Tenkasi, and coastal area of Tirunelveli district, the deities are sitting on the rocks, small mounts erected by villagers through the rituals and talks to them. In the coastal area and most of the dry land area, witchcraft spells and erected goddesses’ structures and statues were communicated to the villages throughout the years. The deities of the tribes were inhabited. Yetchini, the magical goddess and sudalai madan were worshipped by villagers.